The Unborn Girl

Durdana Arsh
Apr 26, 2022


She was revealed to be a daughter.

“I want a boy!” her husband fought her.

The unborn could hear her dad,

but she didn’t know why he was mad.

A tear filled the mother’s eye

nevertheless she couldn’t cry.

The world might think the mother was unhappy

while the concern was little’s hereafter difficulty.

She knew fetal’s fate was obvious

how it could be unlike her mother’s.

The girl was in mother’s unshed tear,

same as she was in her womb there.

Now the mother had to decide,

to cry or let HER cry for life.

It was agonizing for her though,

she blinked her eye and let the tear go!

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Durdana Arsh

Hi, I'm Durdana Arsh. I'm a science teacher by profession and a writer by passion. I am also an artist. My writing genres are fantasy and social issues.